Manufacturing Day 2022
Reborn’s annual Manufacturing Day event was a record year as there were over 450 students in attendance at their Anaheim, CA location! Manufacturing Day is an annual event held across the country where manufacturers, home improvement contractors, and other companies open their doors to educate local students about modern manufacturing processes and career opportunities.
Tours of the manufacturing facility began at 8:00 am with students being led through the facility by Reborn’s team members. On the tour, the students saw the process from start to
finish, learning how our team processes the orders that come in, how the cabinet-making process goes, and how they are assembled, packaged, and staged for our installers to bring to the customer’s home. The tour ends with time in the showroom where the students can touch and feel the finished product. Also in the showroom, various members of the manufacturing community and local community workforces were there to speak with the students about a career in manufacturing.
Reborn Cabinets is proud to have played an important role in Manufacturing Day, serving as host since 2016. Through this event, Reborn hopes to inform the next generation about the impact manufacturing has on the economy and get them excited about the prospect of developing a rewarding career in this growing industry.
Watch a video recap of the day: